Do not drink water while eating as it interferes with digestive process;
It is not advisable to drink more than half a litre of water at once, as more water can burden kidneys if their function is impaired;
Tap water is not recommended drinking water because it contains various mineral impurities from the soil and also many fungi that are found in a water supply system;
Water supplies cells of organs with nutrients;
Water moisturizes skin, joints, ensures metabolism in bones and it is very important for brain health;
Water treatment helps fight diabetes, arthritis, obesity, unprovoked headaches associated with water circulation and blood vessels, high blood pressure and some heart diseases;
Minimum amount of water to be consumed per day is two litres;
Coffee, tea or any alcohol causes body dehydration, with the exception of fruits and herb teas;
It is better to drink still water, because carbonated water often causes a bloating sensation in abdomen;
Do not drink water while eating as it interferes with digestive process;
It is not advisable to drink more than half a litre of water at once, as more water can burden kidneys if their function is impaired;
Tap water is not recommended drinking water because it contains various mineral impurities from the soil and also many fungi that are found in a water supply system;
Water supplies cells of organs with nutrients;
Water moisturizes skin, joints, ensures metabolism in bones and it is very important for brain health;
Water treatment helps fight diabetes, arthritis, obesity, unprovoked headaches associated with water circulation and blood vessels, high blood pressure and some heart diseases;