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The third children’s drawing competition organized by VENDEN - “Water in our world” in honour of the UN World Water Day has ended. This year, the prize fund of the competition was 6,000 euros - the educational institutions attended by winners were able to replenish their sports equipment or materials necessary for the educational process for this amount. The winners of the competition were determined both by public voting and by an independent artistic jury. VENDEN also awarded one of the submitted drawings with a sympathy prize.

VENDEN’s Marketing Director Jelena Kozlova notes that this year the activity of participants was much higher than in previous years. “This year we received 5,512 children’s drawings, which is almost 36% more than one year before. Last year, 332 preschool educational institutions and educational institutions implementing preschool education programs submitted drawings to the competition, however, this year their number exceeded 400. We are sincerely glad that teachers from all over Latvia are actively involved in participation - the prizes will also be sent to different regions. Many thanks to the teachers for their creativity, imagination, activity and educating children about water and its importance in our lives!”

The most, or 1242 drawings, were submitted to the competition by 99 educational institutions in Riga. Teachers also worked actively in Liepaja (338 drawings from 19 educational institutions), Jelgava (239 drawings from 15 educational institutions), Daugavpils (233 drawings), Cessis (218 drawings), Valmiera (201 drawings), Madona (189 drawings), Kuldiga region (181 drawings),  Jurmala (168 drawings), Tukums (160 drawings), South Kurzeme (157 drawings), Ogre and Saldus (144 drawings each), Jekabpils (134 drawings), Sigulda (131 drawings), Aizkraukle (124 drawings), Marupe (122 drawings), Bauska (121 drawings) and Aluksne regions (112 drawings), as well as in other regions of Latvia. In total, children’s works from 35 regions and 7 cities of national importance in Latvia were submitted to the competition.

During several days, all submitted drawings were evaluated by an independent artistic jury, which included two artists, members of the Latvian Union of Artists and teachers of the Baldone Art School - Talivaldis Muzikants and Ieva Muzikante. Talivaldis Musicians commented on the results of the jury’s work: “This year a record number of participants took part in the competition - more than 5,500 drawings, which, of course, became a great test for the jury. It’s nice that teachers teach children different techniques - working with watercolours, pastel crayons, gouache, felt-tip pens. There were even works made with use of plasticine and collages made with sand. This year, many children’s works are distinguished by positive artistic and emotional expressiveness, creativity, age-appropriate interpretation of forms, neat drawings, interesting compositions and colour combinations that create a joyful impression and, at the same time, are associated with water. We were especially pleased with several non-standard compositions, as well as children’s research and environmental interest in the theme of water. On behalf of the jury, I would like to express gratitude to all participants and their teachers for their work and positive emotions. I wish you creative work every day and good luck in future competitions.”  

In the final, the jury selected 5 winners, 23 winners of incentive prizes and 103 winners of certificates of appreciation for artistic performance. Educational institutions represented by the winners of the first 5 places receive a cash prize – the opportunity to replenish sports equipment or materials necessary for the learning process for a certain amount, and the authors of the drawings receive prizes from VENDEN and a prize from the family amusement and recreation park “ADVENTICA”, located in “Olimpia” shopping centre in Riga.


Winners according to the jury’s evaluations:

  1. Princis Ūdiņš”, Katrīna B., 6 years, Ludzas pilsētas 3. pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde “Namiņš”;
  2. “Burbuļcilvēciņi”, Maija K., 3 years, Ventspils pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde “Varavīksne”;
  3. “Mikrobi prom”, Jānis S., 5 years, Lizuma pamatskolas pirmsskola;
  4. “Zemūdens valstībā dzīvo brīnumi!”, Viktorija S., 6 years, Daugavpils pilsētas 4. pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde;
  5. “Ūdens meitene”, Everita C., 7 years, Rīgas 267. pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde.


The winners in 4 categories of public voting (by age and number of authors of drawings - individually or in a group) were determined by the activity of voters. The educational institution represented by the first place winner in each category received 500 euros for the purchase of materials necessary for sports or studies, the educational institution represented by the second place winner received 300 euros, and the third place winner received 200 euros. The authors of the winning drawings received prizes from VENDEN and cooperation partner of VENDEN – family amusement and recreation park “ADVENTICA”, located in the Olimpia shopping centre in Riga.


Winners according to results of public voting:

Category “Individual work”, 2 – 4 years:

  1. “Man patīk”, Emma K., 4 years, Jēkabpils novada Jēkabpils pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde “Zvaniņš”
  2. ,,Es peldu ūdenī”, AlbertsValts G., 4 years, Ķekavas novada pašvaldības pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde “Ieviņa”;
  3. “Zābaciņi”, Sofija K., 4 years, Aglonas pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde.


Category “Group work”, 2 – 4 years:

  1. “Ūdenskritums”, group “Saulītes”, 3 years, Rīgas 254. pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde;
  2. “Ūdens riņķot neapstāj”, group “Taurenīši”, 3 years, Jēkabpils novada Salas pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde “Ābelīte”;
  3. “Priecīgā lāsīte”, collective work, 2 years, Jēkabpils novada Salas pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde “Ābelīte”.

The competition rules stipulate that an educational institution can only win one cash prize in each public voting category. In this case, the undistributed prize fund goes to the educational institution that takes the next place.

Third place prize winner:

  1. “Maza pasaule ūdens pilienā”, group “Zvaigznītes”, 4 years, Rīgas 273. pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde.


Category “Individual work”, 5 – 7 years

  1. “Draudzīgā ūdens pasaule”, Kate D., 6 years, Jēkabpils novada Salas pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde “Ābelīte”;
  2. “Ūdenskritums”, Marks O., 5 years, Ilūkstes pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde “Zvaniņš”;
  3. “Ūdens – no zemes līdz debesīm”, Mija K., 5 years, Daugavpils pilsētas 29. poļu pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde.


Category “Group work”, 5 -7 years:

  1. “Ūdens ir dzīvība!”, group No.10, 6 years, Rīgas 259. pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde;
  2. “Dzīvības lāsīte”, group “Kamenītes”, 5 years, Jēkabpils novada Salas pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde “Ābelīte”;
  3. “Visiem vajag ūdeni!”, group “Mārītes”, 5 years, Rūjienas pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde “Vārpiņa”.  


In her turn, the winner of the VENDEN sympathy prize was six-year-old Amanda G. from the Broceni preschool educational institution “Mūsmājas” for the drawing “Skābais Plunkšķītis”. The author of the drawing was inspired by the fairy tale “Plunkšķītis”, written by a teacher. The author of the work receives a letter of gratitude, gifts from VENDEN, as well as a prize from the cooperation partner - the family amusement and recreation park “ADVENTICA”, located in the Olimpia shopping centre in Riga. The educational institution represented by the winner received a cash prize of 500 euros to purchase materials necessary for sports or studies.

Taking into account the positive feedback and activity of teachers, VENDEN plans to organize a children’s drawing competition to honour the World Water Day in 2025 as well.

“Burbuļcilvēciņi”, Maija K., 3 years, Ventspils pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde “Varavīksne”
